A little over ten years ago Mum 'retired' from Primary Teaching.  She was an awesome teacher - her classrooms were always so bright and colourful.  I can remember going to visit her classroom one day and there was a tree (constructed out of cardboard and crepe paper) growing out of the floor with branches extending to every corner of the room - the kids loved it. I loved it!

When Mum was ready to walk away from teaching I thought this may be the time when she slowed down a little, took up a hobby, went on an extended holiday? After 6 months of doing every possible craft/painting class available, and volunteering for anything and everything she went back to work!  She had been offered an amazing job, she's had that job for the last 10 years and done it with incredible energy, enthusiasm and stamina.  At an age when her friends were enjoying a quieter life - my Mum ramped things up tenfold! 

As a Mum, I want to be a role model for my children.  Teach them right and wrong and encourage them to live a good life.  So now that I am forty-something (no need for the finer details), I'm extremely grateful that I still have an incredible role model.  One day Mum may actually retire - for real!  Until then, she continues to set a beautiful example for me, my siblings and my children.

Love you Mum xxx

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